12 Air Fryer Advantages
Air fryer advantages, here are the main benefits of having an air fryer without oil. The air fryer is without a doubt the best appliance you can have in your kitchen. You can prepare whatever you want with it, from breakfast to dinner. In my opinion, its biggest advantage is its versatility.

In summary, the advantages of the Air Fryer go far beyond simply cooking food with less oil. It provides a healthier and more efficient approach to preparing delicious meals, while giving you the freedom to explore a wider range of culinary possibilities.
1. Healthier Foods
Food made in the fryer is healthier because it is made with little or no oil. This helps with weight loss and weight maintenance, and prevents many diseases.
2. Reduce Cooking Time
In the air fryer you can prepare food faster, about half the time in the oven. Example: chicken drumsticks that are ready in 25 minutes in the air fryer, take at least 50 minutes in the oven.
3. Greater Safety
With the fryer, you run less risk of burns. Although they do happen, there is no comparison to turning a pan of hot oil on your skin.
4. No Oil Smell
The fryer leaves no fishy smell, just like frying in hot oil.

5. Less Mess
When you fry in oil, it splashes everywhere, including the floor. With the fryer, you don’t have this problem.
6. Easy To Clean
Depending on what you prepare, it is more difficult or not to clean. But if you compare it to cleaning a mess of oil for a portion of fried potato, and cleaning a portion made in the air fryer, my friend, you will never fry in oil again.
I confess that I used to be lazy to prepare fries, but with the air fryer I make them often. I make the frozen ones, the natural ones, and also the sweet ones that I didn’t like, but now I do.

7. Versatility
Versatility is the word that defines the air fryer. It is effective in everything you do, as long as you use the right temperature and time for “your fryer”. I say this because air fryers have different powers, so it may be that my recipe won’t work for yours, in which case you just have to adjust it. Otherwise, you can put frozen meat, heat food, bake cake, pudding, dried tomatoes, pizza, anything you can imagine.
8. Economy
With the air fryer, you won’t buy any more oil. I don’t buy oil anymore, only olive oil.
9. Less Time In The Kitchen
You will certainly spend less time worrying about the preparation of the air fryer, because you don’t have to watch the food all the time. Sometimes I put a frozen potato, program it and go do something else in another corner of the house, when I come back it’s ready! It’s that simple.

10. Easy To Use
There is no secret to using the air fryer. There are only two buttons, one for temperature, the other for time. Just put the food in the basket, set the temperature, the time, and you’re done. Some foods need to be turned halfway through for a better result.
11. Occupies Less Space
We have appliances of various sizes and capacities, but generally it is not a very big appliance.
12. Sustainability
By not using liters of oil, you are contributing to the environment.