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Air Fryer Croutons – Crouton Recipe Air Fryer

    Air Fryer Croutons – Crouton Recipe Air Fryer

    Air fryer croutons tasty and so versatile, croutons are the little wonders that can take your salads, soups and side dishes to a whole new level. 

    What if I told you that it’s easy to prepare these delicious snacks with the help of your trusty Air Fryer?

    air fry croutons


    • Bread
    • Olive oil to taste
    • Oregano to taste (optional)
    • If you want to add salt


    1. Cube the bread into bite-sized pieces.
    2. Drizzle the bread cubes with olive oil, add oregano, and mix thoroughly.
    3. Preheat the air fryer to 400 °F (200 °C) and cook the seasoned bread cubes for 3 to 5 minutes until they turn a glorious golden hue.
    4. Allow them to cool before serving, ensuring a delightful crunch in every bite.

    Tips for Crouton

    Bread Variety: Experiment with different types of bread for varying textures and flavors. Rustic, whole wheat, and sourdough all offer unique profiles.

    Customize Seasonings: Tailor the seasonings to match your dish. Herbs like rosemary, thyme, or oregano work wonders, but feel free to get creative.

    Storage: Once cooled, store your homemade croutons in an airtight container. They’ll remain delightfully crunchy for several days.
