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Home » Air Fryer Quiche: Bistro Aromas at Home

Air Fryer Quiche: Bistro Aromas at Home

    Air Fryer Quiche: Bistro Aromas at Home

    Air fryer quiche, a tasty, creamy, and crispy mix to be enjoyed anytime. Prepare this wonder quickly and without complication. Perfect for a different snack, a light dinner, or even a weekend brunch.

    airfry quiche

    Ingredients For The Dough

    • 100g butter
    • 150g flour
    • 1 egg
    • 1 teaspoon salt

    Ingredients For The Filling

    • 2 eggs
    • 120g fresh ricotta
    • 200g cream cheese
    • 50g grated Parmesan cheese
    • Salt to taste
    • Ground black pepper to taste
    • 1 leek stalk, chopped and sautéed


    1. Mix the flour and butter until it forms a crumbly mixture. Add one egg until a smooth dough forms. Line a removable bottom pan with this dough.
    2. For the filling, blend the ingredients (except the leek) in a blender. Remove from the blender and add the leek to the mixture. Place the filling in the pan, on top of the dough.
    3. Place the pan in the preheated airfryer basket at 320 ºF (160 ºC) and set for 20 minutes.
    4. Carefully remove the quiche from the pan and serve.