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Home » Salmon In An Air Fryer with Orange Sauce

Salmon In An Air Fryer with Orange Sauce

    Salmon In An Air Fryer with Orange Sauce

    Salmon in an air fryer with orange sauce, a succulent fish, golden brown accompanied by a citrusy and delicious sauce. Super easy to make, no mess, and no hassle!

    air fryer salmon


    • 300g of salmon
    • 100ml of orange juice
    • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
    • Salt to taste
    • Black pepper to taste


    1. Season the salmon with salt and pepper according to your preference.
    2. Place the salmon in the preheated air fryer basket at 400 °F (200°C) for 5 minutes.
    3. In a saucepan, combine the orange juice, salt, pepper, and cornstarch. Stir and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Set aside.
    4. Remove the salmon, place it on a plate, and drizzle the orange sauce on top.