What Is Air Fryer? What Does Air Fryer Mean?
What is air fryer? It is a small appliance for rapid cooking of food by the hot air circulation system with little or no oil.
What Is The Air Fryer For?
It bakes, fries, grills, heats, and dehydrates food. It is a great ally in terms of practicality, speed, and economy. The air fryer is a healthier alternative to frying.

How Does The Air Fryer Work?
It circulates hot air into the food with the help of a heating element and a fan, creating a crispy coating and using minimal oil. The smell, taste, and golden appearance are the result of a chemical reaction called the Maillard reaction.
What Is Maillard Reaction?
The Maillard reaction occurs when amino acids and sugars react (when heated above 120 °C). A sequence of reactions is then triggered that produce compounds that darken foods and give them their characteristic flavor and aroma. This flavor and aroma change with the amount of time the food remains in the fire. This reaction takes place at different temperatures according to each food.
Is The Air Fryer Carcinogenic?
The air fryer itself is not carcinogenic. Neither is the food in principle.
The problem is that it becomes carcinogenic after it is ready, because it undergoes chemical reactions during preparation, caused by the high temperature and the long cooking time, generating harmful substances.
Understand that these reactions occur regardless of whether they are done in the air fryer, oven, stove, or grill.
Questions And Answers
Is An Air Fryer Bad For You?
No, cooking in an air fryer is not bad for you.
Are Air Fryers Worth It?
Yes, it’s VERY worth having an air fryer, even if you’re not a big fan of cooking.
Is An Air Fryer Used To Heat Food?
Yes, just don’t heat it up in plastic or styrofoam bowls as it will melt.